• 9781119454175
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Karp's Cell Biology, Global Edition

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Gerald Karp, Janet Iwasa, Wallace Marshall

February 2018 

880 Pages

Karp’s Cell Biology, Global Edition continues to build on its strength at connecting key concepts to the experiments that reveal how we know what we know in the world of Cell Biology. This classic text explores core concepts in considerable depth, often adding experimental detail. It is written in an inviting style to assist students in handling the plethora of details encountered in the Cell Biology course. In this edition, two new co-authors take the helm and help to expand upon the hallmark strengths of the book, improving the student learning


  • Continue to maintain a consistent focus on combining rigor with accessibility, so that even students without prior training in cell biology, molecular biology, or biochemistry have been able to learn cell biology not just as a collection of facts but as a process of discovery.

  • The Human Perspectives section highlight how cell biology impacts our daily lives, in terms of medicine and other areas of society.
  • Features himan interest stories to reinforce and review basic cell biology, and also provide examples of how fundamental discoveries have progressed into clinical practice.
  • Includes the latest clinical trials for various cell biology-based therapies and drugs, to inspire students who are pursuing careers in health sciences fields.